About The Online Gallery
Our online gallery highlights work by Auseklis Ozols that is currently available for purchase. If you are interested in a specific painting, please contact us for additional listing information, to schedule a viewing, or to discuss pricing and shipping.
Commissions by Ozols are considered upon discussion with and approval of the artist.
Auseklis Ozols is the President of The Ozols Collection as well as Founder of the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts where he served as Director, Chief Curator, and Senior Instructor from 1978-2020. He retired from the Academy in 2020. His work can be found in private and public collections worldwide.
Ozols is a Realist painter, in the Philadelphia tradition and works from direct observation utilizing classical techniques in Portrait, Figure, Landscape, and Still Life Painting. His work has been documented through numerous publications, awards, and accolades.
To learn more about the life, history and evolution of the work of Auseklis Ozols, please visit The Ozols Collection website.
Ozols hanging his exhibition at The Academy Gallery in 2017